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  • Economic Developers Association of Canada (EDAC)

  • European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA)

  • International Economic Development Council (IEDC)

    In addition, please visit the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The OECD groups 30 member countries sharing a commitment to democratic government and the market economy. With active relationships with some 70 other countries, NGOs and civil society, it has a global reach. Best known for its publications and its statistics, its work covers economic and social issues from macroeconomics, to trade, education, development, and science and innovation.

    The World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) was established in 1995 and is registered as a non-governmental organization in Geneva, Switzerland. The Association currently has over 200 members coming from more than 150 countries and acts as a forum for investment promotion agencies (IPAs) and other development agencies or entities whose function is related to investment promotion to provide networking opportunities and facilitate the exchange of best practices in investment promotion as well as in capacity building. The objectives of WAIPA are to promote and develop cooperation amongst its members, strengthen information exchange among them, share country and regional experiences in attracting investment, help members gain access to technical assistance and training through WAIPA events or by way of referrals to relevant international or multilateral organizations and assist IPAs in advising their respective government on the formulation of appropriate investment promotion policies and strategies. Members benefit from three types of services: publications, training workshops and networking.


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